La balada de Freddy Pharkas

¿Cómo llega uno de los mejores pistoleros del Viejo Oeste a convertirse en farmacéutico de un pueblo fronterizo? Pues bien, la Balada de Freddy Pharkas nos explica cómo, siendo la intro del juego.

La canción estuvo compuesta por Josh Mandel, quien se encargó de la letra, y el mismísimo Al Lowe (creador de la saga Leisure Suit Larry y del propio Freddy Pharkas), quien compuso la música, con toques country.

La balada nos cuenta como a la tierna edad de cuatro años Freddy ya era el mejor tirador del oeste. Sin embargo, durante su adolescencia se tuvo que enfrentar al temible Kenny, quien de un disparo le hizo perder una oreja. Con su orgullo herido decide dejar el pistolerismo y dedicarse a su pasión: la farmacia. Se apunta a la universidad siendo el mejor de su promoción y consiguiendo la licenciatura de 5 años, así como el doctorado.

En ese momento decide trasladarse a Coarsegold donde empezará la aventura, y su corazón quedará prendido de la bella Penélope. Os dejamos la letra y el video:

He was born in old St Louie,
By the age of four Dad knew he was the
Best little crackshot the West had ever seen.
By the time he reached pubescence, 
He could outshoot all the adolescents
West of Durango and north of Abilene.

Pharkas, Freddy Pharkas.
Famous gunslingin' deputy.
Freddy Pharkas, Freddy Pharkas,
Frontier hero-to-be.

Then one day young Freddy Pharkas
Stared at eyes as black and dark as night, the
Eyes of an outlaw, well-known throughout the West.
Oh, the tough kid's name was Kenny,
And he outdrew Freddy Pharkas, when he
Shot Freddy's ear off to prove who was the best.

Now our hero, Freddy Pharkas,
With wounded pride and earless carcass,
Vowed to the heavens to give up gunnery.
He'd be better off, he reckoned,
With the lifelong dream that always beckoned:
Pestles, not pistols, and pharmacology.

Pharkas, Freddy Pharkas,
Highest score on his S.A.T.,
Freddy Pharkas, Freddy Pharkas.
Five-year college degree.

After Fred matriculated,
Got his Ph.D. and graduated,
Moved out to Coarsegold and bought a pharmacy.
He's a real prescription writer,
And they don't know he's an ex-gunfighter,
Locked up his mem'ries, repressed them totally.

But his peaceful new survival
Soon was shot to hell upon arrival
Of Coarsegold's schoolmarm, the sweet Penelope.
She has captured Fred's affection,
But he's scared he'll get a huge ...rejection,
Can't bear to tell her just what he used to be.

Pharkas, Freddy Pharkas.
Frontier Pharmacist bourgeoisie,
Freddy Pharkas, Freddy Pharkas.
Peerless, earless, and free!